6 YouTube Playlists in Data Science For Every Educational Purpose


Each playlist targets a specific need in your data science journey.

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Nowadays, you can find many data science courses online.  You don’t gain new skills or knowledge by taking courses with similar curriculums. As a data scientist, you need a variety of skills such as “How to develop a model,” “How to tune a model,” and “How to interpret results.” If you take courses that only cover, for example, the math behind algorithms, you may not become successful in your journey.

On the other hand, you might read many articles that list data science courses for you. I have seen them as well! Most of those listings do not categorize courses based on their curriculum or educational purposes instead they list courses based on the fame of their instructors or platforms. You don’t have enough time to take all of them and reach the same conclusion. That is why I decided to share these YouTube playlists with you. 

If you want to become a data scientist, you need to learn various aspects of data science. You must…

  • learn pure  behind algorithms,
  • gain  about them,
  • arm yourself with a series of  ,
  • become familiar with  algorithms, and
  • learn using  .

I do not want to say that pure math is more important than, for example, the development tools which is not. However, if you want to become a seasoned data scientist you have no choice but to learn all of these aspects. If you are a novice, I suggest reading the article below first.

— Math Behind

You may be wanting to only learn the pure math behind machine learning algorithms in order to enhance your depth of knowledge. If you love pure math, I recommend a channel on YouTube called “mathematicalmonk.” Although the identity of the instructor is unknown, at the time of writing, the channel has over 80K happy subscribers. They teach some of the most reliable classic machine learning courses out there. If you want to learn the math behind algorithms, nothing can beat this program. I took these courses years ago, and I still refer back to the channel whenever necessary.

❤ The instructorteaches machine learning algorithms by explaining their math without oversimplifying them. 

— Gain Insight

To become an expert on a topic, you must gain insight. It is admirable to have a surface-level understanding of algorithms and methodologies, for example, but you will not be able to solve critical problems without knowing the underlying facts. In order to do just that, I encourage you to check out the Artificial Intelligence course (course number: 6–034F10) of the MIT OpenCourseWare project on YouTube.

Since these are AI courses, they of course cover topics beyond machine learning. The instructor, the late Professor Patrick Winston, was a world-renowned lecturer and he will grab your attention in seconds. I know you will continue watching all the videos after the first one is viewed. These courses are available on the YouTube channel of the MIT OCW project. OpenCourseWare (OCW) is an extraordinary venture that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) launched in 2002.

❤ The instructorhelps you understand concepts in full instead of only sharing his knowledge with you. 

Professor Patrick Winston (February 5, 1943 — July 19, 2019)

— Practical Tips

You may be preparing for a job interview and require a refresher course on some aspects of AI. A series of videos with lots of visualization and a fun instructor will help. A picture is definitely worth (at least) a thousand words. StatQuest is a YouTube channel with about 466K subscribers at the time of writing.  The lectures are laser-focused and as brief as possible.

In addition, the instructor, Joshua Starmer, teaches the courses in such a manner that it would be impossible for you to find yourself bored. His courses are well worth exploring if, for instance, you need to prepare for a  but are pressed for time. Once, I wanted to know more about a then relatively new boosting algorithm called XGBoost, and this channel helped me quickly learn everything I needed to know.

❤ The instructor teaches complex concepts in a series of short videos with practical tips. Did I say in a fun way as well? 😊

— Advanced Algorithms

The MIT course, “Introduction to Deep Learning,” is a fantastic collection of the latest deep learning materials. If you are looking for a deep learning course that takes a practical approach and combines fundamental knowledge with coding experience and cool applications, I highly recommend it. They maintain the  you could possibly want in an educational video. This is an introductory course, so do not expect in-depth lessons on computer vision or natural language processing, but it will shed light on your path to learning about the latest advancements in this field.

❤ This is the best introductory deep learning course with a great combination of knowledge and coding. 👍

— Development Tools

[1] AI Adventures is an excellent series of videos covering AI development topics. It is available on the Google Cloud Tech YouTube channel. If you already know machine learning concepts, this is the consummate vehicle to learn crucial development tools. You will not become an expert in developing machine learning solutions by taking an online course or two, but these videos provide a very decent introduction to essential development tools.

❤ When it comes to developing an AI product, it is essential to learn the required development tools short and sweet. 👨‍💻

[2] Python is the mainstream programming language for AI development. You can find a multitude of open-source projects online that will expedite your growth in Python. A Python community named PyData runs many events around the world, and they share videos of these occasions on a YouTube channel named after the community. The PyData channel has more than 114K subscribers at the time of writing. Their videos cover a gamut of topics including coding and they provide a plethora of practical tips related to Python.

❤ The PyData channel explains the nuts and bolts of a real-world data science project through unorthodox lessons. 🤖

Last Words

I put together in one place information on several free data science courses. Since I have taken each of these courses either in part or in full, I can honestly and without hesitation recommend them to you. This article explains why these courses are distinctive and who might be able to take the best advantage of them.  I know they will save you time and energy in relation to your data science studies. I hope you find them helpful.

Thanks for Reading!


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